2024-11-19, 09:00–09:50, Sterrennacht
Understand how Navigator for i makes audit journaling on the IBM i easy. Learn how Navigator simplifies configuring auditing to just a few button clicks. See how Navigator can make consuming and analyzing audit entries easier. Learn about new improvements that increase the performance of analyzing audit entries. The support in Navigator is all about helping to make the reviewing of Audit Journal info a daily / regular part of your management practices. There are all sort of things that one can learn by watching trending information, hots spots (am I being attacked) activity when there should not be activity (internal actor ?), its all about keeping a safe, secure well running machine for your business.
Tim Rowe is the Business Architect responsible for Application Development and Systems Management for the IBM i operating system. His responsibilities include helping to make sure that the IBM i has what is needed to be successful both today and into the future. He sends much of his time also helping customers understand what is possible on our platform when it comes to modernization.